Did you bump that coconut?
Lemons is the first app catered to
people living with a concussion.
Lemons is your fruitful friend,
here to give you the support you need
Having to remember everything throughout your day can have you left feeling like a hot mess.
Where did I park my car? What did I do with my keys? Has anyone seen my glasses? Simple questions like these can turn a perfectly good day into a sour experience.
But Lemons remembers.
Simply by taking a picture, Lemon records the location the photo was taken and seamlessly links to google maps so you can easily find your way back to your belongings.
Manages Tasks with Ease
Push alerts to remind you of menial tasks, that can easily be swept by the way side. Things like eating, and taking breaks can be difficult to remember when you are not feeling great.
Adopting better habits
By interacting with Lemons, the AI learns
your routines to give you healthy alternatives to the unhealthy habits. We totally get that there is always room for improvement and some days... well let's just say are just better than others.
Get better faster
Improve cognitive brain function while playing games tailored to fit your symptoms. Each game is designed to help your recovery as well as increase brain activity.
When life gives you Lemons,
you might as well make lemonade.